A special blend designed to open your heart, heal from being emotionally hurt, helps one to understand why they were hurt and forgive, find the love that you want, Find your special mission in life.

This blend was especially formulated for individuals or spaces to deal with negativity. It can be negative energy generated by the person towards the self or by another directed to them. Some spaces or environments hold negative energy or past [...]

This blend can be very healing and diminish energy blockages found at this site. This will open a person to seeing or receiving communication from the higher realms. The intuition and the nervous system can also be strengthened and fortified w [...]

Facilitates inner authority to proclaim what you want and to be able to manifest those desires into the world.

Facilitates clarity of inner vision and promotes confidence in your intuitive powers.

Facilitates the ability to change, grow, and evolve, as life situations require in an easy and effortless manner.

Clear air of mold. Treat toe and nail fungus. Relieve allergic symptoms to mold such as headache, coughing, and fatigue. Stop mildew or musty air in cars. Ingredients: Tea tree, Oregano, Red Thyme, and Ajowan.

Similar to Thieves. Protect against flu, colds, bronchitis, and bacterial pneumonia. Use to treat gum infections. Bandits during the 15th century plague outbreak would use this blend to protect themselves as they stole from the dead. This blen [...]

Facilitates spiritual sensitivity, awareness, and revelation to the meaning of a spirit full world.

Facilitates the creation of energetic shields for protecting the physical, emotional, mental, and soul of a person. Use Protection after long period of illness to help recovery.

This blend will help protect you and others from infectious conditions. If someone is infectious, this blend can help them recover and protect the others in the space. This blend also facilitates sacred cleansing of self. As one involves it be [...]

Facilitates sacred cleansing to ensure protection and safety. It also can protect while one is healing or feeling vulnerable. This blend is especially good to protect one against psychic attack.

Facilitates positive accomplishment and feeling better about oneself, which can mean more money or material success. Being successful can be a complicated process. This blend must be used with other behavior changes. Clearing shame from the en [...]