Natural Remedies for your medicine cabinet:
- Black Elderberry: Helps stimulate the immune system, thins mucus; naturally occurring in quercitin, black elderberry is a natural antihistamine.
- Bromelain: Bromelain is an enzyme, extracted from pineapple juice and stems, which reduces inflammation caused by histamines in
the nasal and sinus cavities.
- Butterbur: Roots and foliage have long been used for inflammation, headaches, and to alleviate symptoms of grass pollen allergies, also known as hay fever.
- Cayenne: Useful for arthritis and rheumatism (topically and internally), good for colds, flu viruses, sinus infection, sore throat, headache and fever. Increase thermogenesis for weight loss.
- Clove Bud: Improves the immune system, as antioxidant and doubles as an antibacterial and antimicrobial fighter.
- Dandelion: Helps PMS and menopause, increases ovarian hormones.
- Echinacea (coneflower): Boosts white blood cell production. Helps stimulate immune system, fights virus, antibiotic, antiseptic, fevers, infections internal, could help prevent laryngitis.
- Four Thieves spray from Herbs Of Light: Actions: An herbal antiseptic used by thieves during the Great Plague.
- Garlic: Helps fight infection, detoxifies the body, enhances immunity, lowers blood fats, assists yeast infections, asthma, sinusitis, circulation problems and heart conditions.
- Ginger: Helps nausea, motion sickness and vomiting. Useful for circulatory problems, good for indigestion, and is an effective antioxidant.
- Lavender: Assists with burns. Is an antiseptic, and helps as a stress reliever; good for depression, aids skin health.
- Marjoram: Anti-infectious, antibacterial, dilates blood vessels, regulates blood pressure and soothes muscles
- Olive Leaf Extract: Antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiaging. It increases our bodies immune system response in which the cells act like "Pac Men" ingesting microorganisms.
- Oregano: A powerful antibiotic proven to be more effective in neutralizing germs than some chemical antibiotics.
- Timothy Grass: Long used as a remedy for grass pollen allergies, timothy grass is safe for children and for people with asthma.
- Vira-Defense blend by Herbs Of Light: Will significantly reduce flu symptoms by up to 300% or more, along with minimizing the need for other painkilling medications.
The list could go on, these are just a few really good ones. Come on in the store and we will be glad to assist you in finding the right one for you.
Disclaimer: The statements and products on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.